Souffl was created because we are convinced that design is a powerful driver of transformation for businesses.
We believe that companies must think beyond their usual value chain, their historical market or their sole economic role.
We help them transform and approach deep changes and disruptions: environment, society, uses, and technologies to detect new sources of value creation.
Our 3 areas of intervention:
1- Innovation by design
2- Customer and employee experience design
3- Product and service design
Souffl is composed of designers, entrepreneurs, strategists, with multiple specialties from creative industries. We share the same systemic and human-centered creative approach that allows us to study and understand both ecosystems and individuals (needs, uses).
We bring all our creativity and experience to businesses to meet challenges and issues with a strong element of complexity and unknowns to create businesses, products, and services that have a positive and lasting impact on their customers and environments.
That is why we have chosen 10 areas of activity that are experiencing and will experience profound changes and transformations:
– Climate & environment,
– Production & distribution,
– Mobility, health & well-being,
– Information & infrastructure,
– Urban planning, work & leisure time,
– Media & human-machine interfaces,
– Education & learning,
– Daily life & consumption.
These strategic areas, with their chaotic movements, still have a lot of uncertainties and are conducive to innovation.
Our team of collaborators has an international background (Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Zurich, Lausanne, New York, Brussels, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Munich, Milan, etc…) and is multidisciplinary.
Since 2023, Souffl has joined Kea & Partners, the leading European “Entreprise à Mission” strategy consulting firm, as defined by the Pacte law, and is also a member of the B Corp community.”